
Posts Tagged ‘Davis Guggenheim’

IMAGE | Academy Award-pristagaren Davis Guggenheim har tagit fram en sjutton minuter lång dokumentär åt Barack Obamas återvalskampanj.

Obama vill att filmen ”The Road We’ve Traveled” skall få väljarna att minnas alla tuffa utmaningar han har stått inför under sina första fyra år.

Adam Sorensen, på bloggen Swampland, skriver:

[T]he burden of Obama’s reelection message is not to tell people how good they have it. Americans clearly don’t feel that way, even with an improving job market. His task, if The Road We’ve Traveled is any indication, begins with reminding people how miserable they were in hopes that they look more favorably on how things are now.

Det finns ett ordspråk som säger att man kampanjar med poesi och styr landet med hjälp av prosa. Och skådespelaren Tom Hanks, filmens berättarröst, lyckas mycket riktigt också få slutklämmen att låta smått poetisk:

Time and time again, we would see rewards from tough decisions he had made; not for quick political gain but for long term and enduring change.

So when we remember this moment and consider this President then and now let’s remember how far we’ve come and look forward to the work still to be done.

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